Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hot Tpicgift Card Numbers

A tebia
A train going to the stars
only these words are the address to write The rest are adjectives

as opaque mists of the old alchemy
your father remembered through the wizard

many days will suffice to meet up with all this
to sense the recurrent showers
who wants to get off the train and walk Walking

without wormy splinters
limbs without prayers to spirits that go blind with no plans

sidereal steps spelled without a certified forgotten
calculators calculators as far apes
veins and rockets rockets tebia
where your father sails
water spilled on Saturn Saturn
-ground dry if you cold if you
Saturn Neptune

The galaxy is disintegrating galaxy by galaxy christening

Inside are uteruses uteruses uteruses inside you renewed

taking turns making you believe in one uterus

Leather sectional in days
burned skin with
day and Swirls of your father stand in impossible

noise in silence hung in silences absent

soulless soulless

without meat and swallow bodies soaked with gall
their games

The train goes to the stars


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